- Ministry of Labour and Social Policy – Romania.
- Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi- Romania.
- Municipality, General School, Rural Clinics, Police Departamant and Orthodox Parish of Barnova, Iaşi-Roamania.
- IICCMER -The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile,Bucharest _Romania (www.iiccr.ro/en) .
- Fondation Assistance Internationale – FAI of Lugano-Switzerland (www.fondationassistanceinternationale.ch) .
- Associazione Sementera Onlus di Perugia, Italy (www.sementera.org).
- Associazione MAIS onlus, Roma-Italy (www.maisonlus.org ).
- Fondazione “Solidaritate si Speranta”, Iaşi- Romania.
- Asociatia AFECT, Iaşi- Romania. .
- Fondazione “Casa Sperantei”, Iaşi- Romania.
The “Asociatia UmanitaraIl Chicco” is member of:
- FONDPC (Federazione organizzazioni non governative per i Bambini)
- FONSS (Federazione delle organizzazioni non governative per i servizi sociali)
- EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities)
- ISPS (International Society for Psichological and Social Approaches to Psychosis